Privacy statement 

We appreciate your business and the trust you place in us when sharing your personal information. Here at Brio Insurance, we understand the importance of keeping our clients’ personal information protected. While providing superior service, we are committed to protecting the confidentiality, security, and accuracy of your personal information under applicable Canadian privacy legislation.  Our commitment to you is guided by the ten fair information principles as stated in Canada’s Personal Information and Protection Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA).

Our privacy statement may change over time, so we encourage you to check back here for the most recent version.

What is personal information

Personal information is data about an identifiable individual that on its own or combined with other pieces of data, can identify you as an individual. The type of personal information we may collect about you depends on the products or services you request. This information may include, but is not limited to:

  • Name and contact information
  • Age, birth date, gender, and credit card number
  • Medical and health information
  • Financial information, income information, and employment history
  • Policy history, loss history, rating information, and driving record

We collect personal information in the following ways:

  • When you complete an application form for insurance products or services.
  • If you contact us by telephone, email, or in person.
  • If you submit a contact request or quote form on our website.
  • From affiliates or third parties such as insurers, credit organizations, motor vehicle and driver licensing authorities, insurance companies, insurance brokers or agents, medical professionals, etc.

We also collect data on how people use our website through the use cookies. Learn more about cookies and online tracking.

What happens if your personal information is compromised?

If there is an unauthorized disclosure of your personal information, we will notify you as soon as possible after completing our assessment and due diligence. If our assessment determines that the breach creates a real risk of significant harm, we will report the breach to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada.  Depending on the circumstances, we may also notify law enforcement, insurers, business partners and other regulatory bodies in order to reduce the risk of harm. We may request assistance from credit reporting agencies, other financial institutions, or credit card companies if necessary to mitigate risk to the individuals affected.

More information

To help you understand how we use and protect our clients’ data, please read through the information on these pages.