What’s the difference between MPI and SMI anyways? Learn about your car insurance options.

MPI? SMI? What are your car insurance options? We have answers! Keep on reading and we promise the answers you get won’t be TMI (too much information).


Here in Manitoba, everyone needs to register their vehicles with Manitoba Public Insurance. Basic coverage starts with a $500 deductible and $200,000 in liability coverage. Depending on your deductible amount, it can apply to collisions, vandalism, hail, theft, and most other claims.

However, Manitoba Public Insurance understands that unique drivers call for unique insurance. To determine your premium, MPI takes where you live, how you use your vehicle, your vehicle type, and your driving record into consideration.


With the above being said, SMI (or Sandbox Mutual Insurance) will only base your rate on your driving record. Having a spotless record can actually save you money if you choose SMI as an extension product.

Keep in mind that you can purchase additional products through both SMI and MPI. These can include:

  • Deductibles of $300, $200, or $100
  • Liability of $1, $2, $5, $7, or $10 million
  • Income Replacement Indemnity extension coverage
  • And more!